Friday, June 12, 2009

New Novel (Open to ideas for input)

Watch for snippets from my new novel 'Good Boy Bad Good Girl; Bad Boy Good Girl'. A semi-autobiographical coming of age novel and a look inside the total physical, intellectual, emotional and sexual pysche of a young couple coming of age during the tumultuous era of the 60s.

The so-called 'Summer of Love' meant different things to different kids and the extremes of physical pleasure offtimes left behind scarred souls to those who lived to tell about it.

The bones of the story is complete, as is the overarching theme. I am looking for input from those who survived the era emotionally intact and their memories of a first love. Why were good boys attracted to bad girls and good girls to bad boys (I think we're all aware of the obvious reasons so dig a little deeper), all the while, as our parents used to say; 'saving themselves for the right person'. That little tidbit led to a warehouse full of emotional baggage and a roller-coaster ride through the mid-to-late sixties. What do you recall from that era?

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